
General Election 2024

Vote Pete Longman Independent on 4th July


Let’s get Britain and Lichfield moving again

Lichfield and its surrounding areas need a fresh start and new ideas to create a better and fairer Britain. 

I’m standing as an independent candidate because we need more MPs that are loyal to their communities, not political parties. 

If elected, I would work tirelessly to represent the wishes and needs of Lichfield constituents at both a local AND national level.

Let’s get Britain and Lichfield moving again

Lichfield and its surrounding areas need a fresh start and new ideas to create a better and fairer Britain. 

I’m standing as an independent candidate because we need more MPs that are loyal to their communities, not political parties. 

If elected, I would work tirelessly to represent the wishes and needs of Lichfield constituents at both a local AND national level.

Putting Lichfield Central to a more connected Britain

To get Lichfield and Britain moving again, I pledge to:

  • Put Lichfield at the heart of HS2 by creating a new interchange station at Streethay, connecting HS2 to the North East via Alrewas & Derby. This will bring new jobs, growth & economic opportunities to our area.
  • Fundraise for a feasibility study to replace Phase 2 of HS2 with a Hyperloop.
  • Improve local roads and invest in fixing potholes – not more traffic lights.
  • Create better cycling and walking routes to improve health and wellbeing.

Putting Lichfield Central to a more connected Britain

To get Lichfield and Britain moving again, I pledge to:

  • Put Lichfield at the heart of HS2 by creating a new interchange station at Streethay, connecting HS2 to the North East via Alrewas & Derby. This will bring new jobs, growth & economic opportunities to our area.
  • Fundraise for a feasibility study to replace Phase 2 of HS2 with a Hyperloop.
  • Improve local roads and invest in fixing potholes – not more traffic lights.
  • Create better cycling and walking routes to improve health and wellbeing.

Making Lichfield a better place to live, work and travel

As Lichfield’s representative in parliament, I pledge to:

  • Work exclusively for the benefit of Lichfield and its people without party political distraction.
  • Revitalise local services including shops and other important amenities.
  • Engage with the local authority and private sector to build more affordable homes.
  • Create a fairer society by removing tax on incomes below £20k and adding a top band of 50% for incomes above £150k.
  • Solve the Social Care crisis by establishing a new National Care Service and relieving pressure on Local Authorities.
  • Provide more vocational training and apprenticeships for young people.
  • Deliver on promises to stop the boats and cut the cost of illegal immigration.
  • Alleviate pressure on the NHS with virtual wards and greater use of technology.
  • Get tough on crime and the causes /consequences of crime with a full review of policing and the judicial system.

Making Lichfield a better place to live, work and travel

As Lichfield’s representative in parliament, I pledge to:

  • Work exclusively for the benefit of Lichfield and its people without party political distraction.
  • Revitalise local services including shops and other important amenities.
  • Engage with the local authority and private sector to build more affordable homes.
  • Create a fairer society by removing tax on incomes below £20k and adding a top band of 50% for incomes above £150k.
  • Solve the Social Care crisis by establishing a new National Care Service and relieving pressure on Local Authorities.
  • Provide more vocational training and apprenticeships for young people.
  • Deliver on promises to stop the boats and cut the cost of illegal immigration.
  • Alleviate pressure on the NHS with virtual wards and greater use of technology.
  • Get tough on crime and the causes /consequences of crime with a full review of policing and the judicial system.

A bit about me:

I was brought up in the Midlands and have lived within the Constituency for most of the past 22 years.

With a background in both the private and public sector, I am well acquainted with the need to ensure best value is achieved when making spending decisions.

Previously, I established a successful IT business in Social Care which transformed the lives of many older people by providing better standards of homecare and at the same time saving Councils over £1 billion in efficiency savings. 

With this experience and success under my belt, I turned my attention to another area where the government track record is poor. 

Transport for Britain was formed in Lichfield to lobby, campaign and ultimately create and deliver better transport infrastructure for the UK with a focus on integration, accessibility and improved customer experience. 

This covers all aspects of road, rail and active travel but any intervention has to start with HS2. 

We have put forward proposals that will enable HS2 to link up far more parts of the UK and for a fraction of the cost (beyond what is already committed for Phase 1). We believe that this could be privately funded with no further cost to the taxpayer.

A Partnership approach is needed to ensure that we can face the future with confidence.

“A vote for me standing as an Independent Candidate will be a vote for the future of Lichfield and a better place to live, work and travel.”

A bit about me:

I was brought up in the Midlands and have lived within the Constituency for most of the past 22 years.

With a background in both the private and public sector, I am well acquainted with the need to ensure best value is achieved when making spending decisions.

Previously, I established a successful IT business in Social Care which transformed the lives of many older people by providing better standards of homecare and at the same time saving Councils over £1 billion in efficiency savings. 

With this experience and success under my belt, I turned my attention to another area where the government track record is poor. 

Transport for Britain was formed in Lichfield to lobby, campaign and ultimately create and deliver better transport infrastructure for the UK with a focus on integration, accessibility and improved customer experience. 

This covers all aspects of road, rail and active travel but any intervention has to start with HS2. 

We have put forward proposals that will enable HS2 to link up far more parts of the UK and for a fraction of the cost (beyond what is already committed for Phase 1). We believe that this could be privately funded with no further cost to the taxpayer.

A Partnership approach is needed to ensure that we can face the future with confidence.

“A vote for me standing as an Independent Candidate will be a vote for the future of Lichfield and a better place to live, work and travel.”

Turning a corner with HS2


We are at a defining moment in British politics, and for Lichfield.

The people of Lichfield now have an opportunity to influence the course of history with the outcome of HS2. In the aftermath of the cancelled Phase 2, the whole project is at a crossroads with several half-baked alternatives being suggested – but nothing decided. The fact that local residents endured all of this disruption – with absolutely nothing to show for it – is plainly wrong.

As MD of Transport for Britain I have been concerned about HS2 for many years, and have put forward plans to the Government demonstrating how far better use can be made of Phase 1 services by connecting HS2 with the existing rail network. In particular by replacing the abandoned Eastern Leg with a new station at Streethay to take services to the East Midlands and beyond using the South Staffordshire line. The accompanying image shows a suitable location for this.

So, a vote for me as an Independent Candidate will be a vote for the future of Lichfield and a better place to live, work and travel.

If elected I will be tireless in my campaign to bring High Speed Rail to Lichfield with a station stop at Streethay (which will be an extension of the Cross City line). This will connect passengers to:

  • London in 45 minutes 
  • Birmingham Airport or City Centre in 10–15 minutes
  • Derby in 20 minutes
  • Nottingham in 40 minutes
  • Sheffield in 50 minutes. 

In addition we have put forward proposals to connect HS2 with Cross Country services to the south, meaning direct access to Oxford in 45 mins and Southampton in 2hrs. 

Turning a corner with HS2

We are at a defining moment in British politics, and for Lichfield.

The people of Lichfield now have an opportunity to influence the course of history with the outcome of HS2. In the aftermath of the cancelled Phase 2, the whole project is at a crossroads with several half-baked alternatives being suggested – but nothing decided. The fact that local residents endured all of this disruption – with absolutely nothing to show for it – is plainly wrong.

As MD of Transport for Britain I have been concerned about HS2 for many years, and have put forward plans to the Government demonstrating how far better use can be made of Phase 1 services by connecting HS2 with the existing rail network. In particular by replacing the abandoned Eastern Leg with a new station at Streethay to take services to the East Midlands and beyond using the South Staffordshire line. The accompanying image shows a suitable location for this.

So, a vote for me as an Independent Candidate will be a vote for the future of Lichfield and a better place to live, work and travel.

If elected I will be tireless in my campaign to bring High Speed Rail to Lichfield with a station stop at Streethay (which will be an extension of the Cross City line). This will connect passengers to:

  • London in 45 minutes 
  • Birmingham Airport or City Centre in 10–15 minutes
  • Derby in 20 minutes
  • Nottingham in 40 minutes
  • Sheffield in 50 minutes. 

In addition we have put forward proposals to connect HS2 with Cross Country services to the south, meaning direct access to Oxford in 45 mins and Southampton in 2hrs. 

Inspiring a new vision for Britain’s future

I truly believe that Britain is capable of becoming world leaders in pioneering new technologies and innovation.

The options for a replacement for Phase 2 north of Lichfield may reduce the cost, but also vastly reduce the scope and may ultimately render HS2 redundant.

Given that High Speed Rail is itself a relatively old technology, having been around since the 1970’s, we believe a more exciting approach is to utilise the Hyperloop (see below) which would enable airline type speeds at around one third of the cost of HS2 and operating at extreme efficiency with almost zero carbon emissions.

Why a Hyperloop?

It may sound like a big jump, but in fact, several other world-leading countries are currently working on their own version of hyperloop technology. 

Hyperloop can also take freight off the roads and dovetail with Fradley logistics and distribution hub. This will remove thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions.

A full feasibility study would cost £1.2 million which is a tiny fraction of the amount spent on HS2 so far. It could also be funded from private investors and have much lower operating costs and therefore much lower fares.

A typical journey time from Lichfield to Manchester would be 10 – 15 minutes. It could be developed and built in much less time than HS2 Phase 2 would take.

Inspiring a new vision for Britain’s future

I truly believe that Britain is capable of becoming world leaders in pioneering new technologies and innovation.

The options for a replacement for Phase 2 north of Lichfield may reduce the cost, but also vastly reduce the scope and may ultimately render HS2 redundant.

Given that High Speed Rail is itself a relatively old technology, having been around since the 1970’s, we believe a more exciting approach is to utilise the Hyperloop (see below) which would enable airline type speeds at around one third of the cost of HS2 and operating at extreme efficiency with almost zero carbon emissions.

Why a Hyperloop?

It may sound like a big jump, but in fact, several other world-leading countries are currently working on their own version of hyperloop technology. 

Hyperloop can also take freight off the roads and dovetail with Fradley logistics and distribution hub. This will remove thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions.

A full feasibility study would cost £1.2 million which is a tiny fraction of the amount spent on HS2 so far. It could also be funded from private investors and have much lower operating costs and therefore much lower fares.

A typical journey time from Lichfield to Manchester would be 10 – 15 minutes. It could be developed and built in much less time than HS2 Phase 2 would take.