Transport’s role in meeting the Sixth Carbon Budget

Transport’s role in meeting the Sixth Carbon Budget

With the publication of the sixth carbon budget earlier this year and the Government target of net zero by 2050, the transport industry has a large part to play. The report states that surface transport made up 22% (113 MtCO2e) of total UK Green House Gas (GHG)...
Sustained Investment Needed in Footpaths and Cycleways

Sustained Investment Needed in Footpaths and Cycleways

Transport for Britain welcomes the Government’s recent announcement to invest an extra £23 million to rejuvenate cycling and walking across England. However, given the enormity of the Governments commitments to reducing emissions and improving the health and wealth of...
More Dedicated Cycleways Needed

More Dedicated Cycleways Needed

Safety is one of main reasons people are often reluctant to cycle rather than use their cars for those shorter journeys. Clearly the answer to this in our cities is more dedicated cycleways separated from other traffic by a purpose built barrier / curb which send the...
Electric Roads are Key to EV Revolution

Electric Roads are Key to EV Revolution

Roads which charge electric vehicles are going to play a major part in the EV revolution world wide. Both Sweden and Germany are already testing sections of motorway with different charging systems and several other countries are already planning electric roads...